Women's Hair Loss

Whether you need a little... or a lot,
Absolute Image Consulting has a solution just for you.

If you are one of the growing number of women looking for information to help you make a sound decision about your hair loss, you are in the right place.
Absolute Image Consulting Hair Replacement
Absolute Image Consulting Hair Replacement

No longer is it true that hair loss is for just men.

In fact, Since 2004, the number of female hair replacement clients worldwide has increased by over 25 percent.
Did you know that there is an increase in female hair loss which occurs in spring or fall, and it is considered normal. Also considered normal is if you experience some hair loss after childbirth or after a surgical operation under general anesthesia.
There are however cases where help from experts is needed. The highest percentage of female hair loss is due to androgenetic alopecia (female type), which is caused by hormonal disorders. Other factors that may cause hair loss in women is anemia, low iron levels, inadequate protein intake and thyroid gland issues. When hair loss in women is a symptom of a pathological problem, its eradication through appropriate treatment will generally address the issue without the need for any additional treatments.

No longer is it true that hair loss is for just men.

In fact, Since 2004, the number of female hair replacement clients worldwide has increased by over 25 percent.
Absolute Image Consulting Hair Replacement
Did you know that there is an increase in female hair loss which occurs in spring or fall, and it is considered normal. Also considered normal is if you experience some hair loss after childbirth or after a surgical operation under general anesthesia.
There are however cases where help from experts is needed. The highest percentage of female hair loss is due to androgenetic alopecia (female type), which is caused by hormonal disorders. Other factors that may cause hair loss in women is anemia, low iron levels, inadequate protein intake and thyroid gland issues. When hair loss in women is a symptom of a pathological problem, its eradication through appropriate treatment will generally address the issue without the need for any additional treatments.

What do I do when treatments do not work or aren't enough?

This is a very common question, and the answer, can be as simple as wearing hair.
At Absolute Image Consulting, we use only the industries finest in hair solutions for women. Absolute Image Consulting is one of the only hair replacement centers in the greater Atlanta area, that offers ULTRATESS II hair replacement.

Hair progression, not hair extensions.

Everyone knows what hair extensions are. The hair extension process can do wonders. But hair extension are more about hair lengthening than anything else. UltraTress II is different… very different.

UltraTress II is much more than hair extensions.

UltraTress II differs from hair extensions in the manner in which it is applied. This allows you to do more, and more from UltraTress II than from any standard hair extension processes.

UltraTress II goes where its needed.

Because UltraTress II has a different application method, it can be applied to areas of the head that ordinary extensions cannot. Such as high up on the temples. Even up to the anterior mid-scalp. That makes a big difference in what can be achieved and you will love the way you look.
Womens Hair Loss Absolute Image Consulting Hair Replacement
Women's hair loss Absolute Image Consulting Hair Replacement

Understanding Hair Loss

The Ludwig Classification separates female pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) into 1 of 3 unique stages, referred to as the Ludwig Scale.
By classifying hair loss according to severity, the Ludwig Scale helps both patients and physicians to better understand three major factors in the diagnosis and treatment of female hair loss:
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Services Guide

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The Ludwig Scale

The Ludwig Scale uses 3 different classifications, or Types, to diagnose the severity of female hair loss. From left to right in the image below, these Types include Type I, Type II, and Type III.
Absolute Image Consulting Hair Replacement

Type I

In this stage, hair loss is considered to be mild. Most women may have difficulty noticing that hair loss has occurred, as the frontal hairline remains relatively unaffected. Hair loss may occur on the top and front of the scalp, however. Such hair loss may be noticeable when the hair is parted down the center of the scalp, as more and more scalp will become visible over time.

Type II

Type II hair loss is considered moderate. In this stage, women may notice each of the following: Thinning, shedding, general decrease in volume, and a center part that continues to widen over time. Depending on the severity, a hair transplant procedure may be a viable option for women who exhibit a Type II classification.

Type III

Type III is the final and most extreme classification of female hair loss. In this stage, hair is so thin that it has difficulty camouflaging the scalp, rendering it visible to the naked eye. This may be worsened by a number of factors, including hair miniaturization, progressive thinning, and extensive loss.
Understanding hair loss and how it may or may not affect you is as important as treating hair loss itself.

Transform Your Hair and Your Life

Improve your confidence and quality of life. Hair replacement unlocks the door to the think natural looking hair of your dreams. Start your journey today!

Schedule a FREE hair consultation to explore your customized hair replacement options.